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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Buenos Dias from Buenos Aires

The IV Congreso Internacional de Marketing y Tecnologia de Quesos was held from June 25 to 27 in the wonderful, exciting and vibrant city of Buenos Aires (and amongst my favourite places to visit in the world). The meeting was sponsored principally by Chr Hansen and Fepale (Federacion Panamericana de Lecheria) and included some very useful presentations on cheese science, technology and marketing. Inter alia, Hansen's Chy-Max M, a most interesting coagulant on which we did some work recently, was introduced to the South American market.

It was nice to meet again so many cheese people from Argentina and elsewhere in Latin America. Historically, the Argentine cheese industry was influenced heavily by dairy immigrants from Italy and hence many cheeses of Argentina show a strong family resemblance to Italian varieties. For example, Reggianito Argentino (below) is a tasty variant of Parmesan.
Apart from work, I had a chance to tour Buenos Aires and, at a reception at Chr Hansen's facility, saw the tango danced in its native habitat! Uncle Chris's hospitality was exemplary.